Saturday, March 24, 2012

Uncle Sam and The Work Monster

         I haven't been posting in a while and I, I, I alright I had too much "work". Although this has become somewhat of a scapegoat for bloggers, writers and everyone because they are too lazy. I may be lazy but this is not my reason. Spring decided to just roll on in here and I've been enjoying it so much i just HAD to stay inside and play computer games like a introverted vampire. I have been injured by my own creation. The Work Monster. He's like superman but instead of saving them he slaughters them. (I like the word slaughter. Shut up) Anyway the Work Monster's kryptonite is procrastination. Every time someone procrastinates The Work Monster gets a REALLY bad tummy ache. I'm talking "4 enchiladas on board an airplane bad". I need you for the Procrastination Army.

         If we work together we might, just might be able to stop this monstrosity from turning the world in to some kind of a Productive functioning planet. To promote procrastination wear a white t-shirt and tell everybody you were gonna make a really funny procrastination joke on it, then you got too lazy. If we give him enough tummy-aches he will be brought DOWN. And nobody ever ends a post without a good cut-off so I drew this on day and for the life of me I can't remember what it was for.

       Haha. Stupid. You thought i was gonna end on that? You're crazy. You're Bonkers. You're off your rocker. You're off the deep end. Toys in the attic you're craaaazyy. You wack man. You AWAL. I don't even know what that means. But this is actually the end.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The 7 Stages of Weekend

There are multiple stages of grief one goes through when a weekend approaches. Here are the 7 stages of Weekend.

1. Biding. This stage occurs when you are approaching the weekend. This stage occurs sometime friday before a weekend. You slowly and quietly wait until the weekend arrives.

2. Preparation. You ready ones self for the coming onslaught of awesome. Your mindset is to enjoy every waking moment of this break before the dreaded monday arrives.

3. Planning. You make sure everything has been planned. This stage occurs because you want to make sure you spend none of your time planning things while you could be playing football with a monkey.

4. Enjoying. This stage is the most crucial of all the stages mainly because it is the heart of the weekend. During this time you take the time to sit back and enjoy the actual weekend. During the steps 2 and 3 you expect this to be the most awesome time of you life e.g. Playing poker with Barack Obama. But sadly it usually just turns out sad looking like this.

5. Realization. The part after you've enjoyed this weekend to the extent that you can just roll it up and throw it away like some old wash cloth then you think to yourself "Gee, that suuure was a fun weekend I had back then" and then you realize something. You remember all the stuff you were supposed to do but you were JUST TO LAZY to get done with earlier. It all comes back to you wave after wave like a Tsunami of your own stupidity.

You are happy with yourself then you notice something...

Slowly creeping onto like a slithering snake.

You think about it again and make one of the worst mistake you could have possibly ever made. You go creeping inside your mind to see if there's any fragment of information that wasn't wiped clean during the weekend and then... You find it

It's the work monster and he tears your quality of work limb from limb until your nothing but a shell of a good work ethic.

6. Bargaining. You realize you're far to lazy to do any of this work and you simply try figure out any way you could possibly get away from doing what you have to do.

7. Acceptance.  The 7th and final stage is the acceptance that your going to simply have to face facts and grumble your way through monday. This is often the hardest step because some people can't reach the higher level and instead just decide to make fake puking noises and pretend you have TB hoping to scrounge what's left of the dead carcass of what was a weekend and just watch bad movies that were fermenting in you DVR.